Monkey Quest Escape Game


The Stolen Diamond is your classic style escape room that is fun for everyone! Your goal is to save Bob’s life by finding the stolen Cullinan diamond.

Game Level: Beginner
Room Capacity: 2-6 people
Game Time: 60 minutes

Single Room Play (sneak peek)
Completion Rate: 85%
Good for all abilities and most ages
Children <16 need parent participation
​Price: $30 per person
The Cursed Tomb is a full-immersion Hollywood style escape room that is just incredible! Your goal is to find the Scarab of Life and return it to the King’s chest or risk never returning again.
Game Level: Intermediate
Room Capacity: 2-8 people
Game Time: 60 minutes

Multi-Room Play (sneak peak)
Completion Rate: 75%
PG-13 rated room
Children <16 need parent participation
Note: Fog is used in this production

​Price: $30 per person.
The Antidote is the latest generation of immersion style escape room that both enthusiasts and families will love! In this Steampunk style laboratory, your goal is to help Dr. Phineas Watchtower find the Antidote and send it back in time using your time-machine.
Game Level: Intermediate
Room Capacity: 2-6 people
Game Time: 60 minutes

Single Room Play (sneak peak)
Completion Rate: 65%
Best for ages 13 and older
Children <16 need parent participation
Note: Fog & loud noise in this production

​Price: $30 per person


120 Paragon Ln #101 El Paso, TX 79912 ()

Jul 05, 2001  Ape Escape 2001, known in Japan as Pipo Saru 2001 (ピポサル2001), is the first spin-off game of the Ape Escape series. Piposaru 2001's gameplay differs from the original Ape Escape gameplay outline. The left analog stick on the DualShock Controller.


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My daughter had her friends to help celebrate her sweet 16 in the Quest For The Throne room. They had so much fun and I would recommend this for anyone!

JaneRead all reviews

Monkey Quest Escape Game Download


You are the elder sibling born into a royal family. It was your birthright to inherit the throne upon the King’s death, but an evil plan executed by your younger twin brother and corrupt castle guards has left you exiled from the kingdom. The corrupt guards were given strict orders to kill you if you ever returned to the castle. When the King and Queen died, your tyrannical brother ran the kingdom into despair.

Monkey Quest Escape Game Online

Disgusted by the decline of a once prosperous and peaceful land, you decide to risk your life to set things right. You and your loyal team have stolen your way back into the castle and into the King’s study. Can you find your birthright and escape before the guards return?