Monkey Quest Ffx 2



When you go to the Calm Lands, you will view a scene showing the mini games. Paine and Rikku will tell you they have 100 credits for each company. The two companies are Open Air and Argent Inc. and they are competing to controll the Calm Lands. Go to one of the hovers. There will be two people standing next to each hover. The person on the left is with Open Air and the person on the right is with Argent Inc. Talk to whichever person you want to, it does not matter which company you join. Talk to them and learn about the publicity campaign and join thier company. Now, when you are somewhere, push the square button by a person (any person, anywhere) and tell try to get them to join your company. The object is to get the best response from the person. Each company has different pitches and every person is effected differently by each pitch. When you walk up to the person, choose a pitch. The pitches are as follows:

Argent Inc. Pitches:

The Monkey Mating Mini-game becomes available in Chapter 2 in Zanarkand and can be completed at any time in chapters 2,3 and 5. For completion this Mini-game must be completed before the end of Chapter 3. Monkey Mating involves pairing each monkey with its soul mate. The following table plus room information provided will help you to solve this. In case you haven’t used this guide yet, this Chapter, like all the others, has an element of nonlinearity to it. All you really have to do are those marked as being required; everything else, while very helpful (and typically required for 100% completion), is optional.

  • Fun awaits you at Argent!
  • Argent, at your service!
  • For a good time, call on Argint!
  • Argent. Fun you can rely on.
  • Would you like to hear about Argent, Inc.?

Ffx-2 Wallpaper

Open Air Pitches:

  • Fun awaits you at Open Air!
  • Take to the Air. Open Air.
  • Open Air. Get your Air on.
  • I lost 30 pounds with Open Air!
  • Shee yoo at Open Air, yesh?

Each person will respond in a different way depending on which pitch you choose. You get a certain amount of points depending on how well you did. You need to get as many points as you can. The responses of a person and the amount of points you earn are as follows:

  • They seem put off/ 0 points
  • They don't seem the least bit interested/ 1 points
  • They seem mildly intrigued/ 2 points
  • They seem pretty psyched/ 3 points
  • They seem totally pumped/ 5 points

You need to earn as many points as possible, if you put a person off the first time, go back later and try again. Remember: You can talk to each person again in every Chapter even if you got them totally pumped the first time.

You can raise your rank by earning a certain amount of points, try to reach a level five before the end of Chapter 5. Here is how many points you need for each Publicity Level.

Level 1/ N/A

Level 2/ 60

Level 3/ 140

Level 4/ 260

Level 5/ 400

You can also get Publicity Points for playing their mini games, but unless you are very good at them, it is not worth it. Remember: Your rank can only be one higher than the chapter you are in, so if you are in Chapter 1, and you have 140 points, your level will still only be a Level 2.

For the best effect, you need to switch companies. If you want to unlock the extra mini games, you need to get 400 points with both companies. But switching companies comes at a price, however many points you have earned, half of them are taken away when you switch compainies. Example: If you made 100 points for Open Air and you decided to switch to Argent Inc. for a while, you would then have 50 points for Open Air. If you want to unlock both mini-games at the end of the campaign, you should accumulate att least 280 Publicity points for one company during the first two chapters and then switch to the rival company. Gather the 400 pooints needed to bring the episode to a close in Chapter 5, and when the points are tallied at the end, you get both games.

The items you can purchase with your game credits change based on your current Publicity Level with that company. In other words, the higher your rank, the better things you can buy from both companies.

The Publictiy Campaign will end in Chapter 5 automatically when you go to the Calm Lands. Make sure you have at least 400 points with your company before you go there. When you go there, the points are tallied and the winner is declared. The company with the most points wins. But it is not over, with the leadership of Tobli, the two companies join forces! They call themselves the Calm Skies Partnership. They celebrate by opening the company opens one or two new games based on your preformence. If you got a rank 3 for Argent Inc. they will open a game called 'Feed the Monkey'. If you got a Rank 3 for Open Air, they will open a game called 'Gull Force'. If you got rank 3 for both companies you will get both games.

Monkey Side Quest Ffx-2

Comming Soon: Tables on which people like which pitches.