Monkey Quest Original


Monkey Quest was an online game that released on March 17, 2011. I first started playing it when I was 6 or so. I immediately fell in love with it. But who wouldn't? The cute monkeys, the huge amount of items and weapons, the backstory, The events for Halloween, Christmas, ect. EVERYTHING. I played and played for years until I finally reached the max level, 65. I felt so proud..

Monkey Quest Original

I then continued to play the game for a few years. Suddenly, one day, they released a 'Sneak peek' of the 'New' Monkey Quest. It had changed so much. Everything looked plastic. More things were free. Basically no need for a membership. It blew me away how much they could change something in so little time. I eventually got used to the newer version. Then not even a month later, they announced it was CLOSING. I was shocked! Honestly, the reasons I think they closed it down were because practically EVERYTHING was free, the looks were fake and plastic-like, just everything fell apart. They even changed the items and made copies of them that weren't as strong or rare. I had the original items.

Monkey Quest Rewritten

They officially closed Monkey Quest on September 26th, 2014. That's it. You couldn't access your monkey, items, pets, anything. All because they randomly changed it. If you sign this petition, you will show Nickelodeon that what they have done is wrong. We want to show everyone that we want this game back! Please sign and if we get enough, I will show it to Nickelodeon. PLEASE help. Thank you! -Aly

Monkey Quest Reborn

The Monkey King was the original ruler of the land of Ook. The Monkey King's true name is unknown. He taught every monkey to become stronger, smarter, and more brave (see video below for more info). He seemed to be one of the few smart and competent monkeys before the other monkeys evolved to become more intelligent. He seemed to be immensly powerful, as he was able to wield enough power to.

Monkey Quest Game

Monkey Quest is a new Kids MMO from Nickelodeon set in the spectacular World of Ook, a land where monkeys rule! You play a heroic monkey who battles the evil Shadow Demon, Ka, and his monster horde! Swing, bounce, and battle your way through adventures beyond imagination while you uncover dark secrets and unearth precious treasures from the legendary Monkey King. Nov 06, 2019 It's OK if you are doing this alone, but more than one monkey is OK too. At least two monkeys can do some things a lone monkey can't do. Like three monkeys can carry food cans. It's difficult being a lone monkey, and that's what makes this fun.