Monkey Quest Shut Down


Honestly, the reasons I think they closed it down were because practically EVERYTHING was free, the looks were fake and plastic-like, just everything fell apart. They even changed the items and made copies of them that weren't as strong or rare. I had the original items. They officially closed Monkey Quest on September 26th, 2014. The premise was that the player plays as a monkey traveling through the land of Ook, interacting with other players, completing quests, battling monsters, and discovering secrets about the legendary Monkey King. Shutdown and Availability. The game's servers were shut down on September 26th, 2014, so that Nick could focus on their mobile games.

Monkey Quest
Protagonist:Monkey avatar
Platforms:Internet and Digital
Release Date:March 17, 2011 - September 26, 2014
Developer:Behaviour Interactive
Nickelodeon Games
Publisher:Nickelodeon Games Group
Franchise:Monkey Quest
Next Game:Monkey Quest Thunderbow

Monkey Quest was an MMO game geared towards children's multi-player gameplay. It was developed by the Nickelodeon Virtual Worlds Group, and was launched in March 17, 2011. It was also showcased GDC in 2011 as well. Unfortunately, however, the game shut down on September, 26, 2014. Its sequel, Monkey Quest Thunderbow, was also removed from the App Store on July 31, 2014.

Why It Rocked

Why Was Monkey Quest Shut Down

  1. Very interesting plot.
  2. The enemies are very threatening, especially the ones in the arenas and the bosses.
  3. It's free to play.
  4. It shares many similarities with other games, such as Club Penguin, Wizard 101, and Pirate 101.
  5. It spawned an amazing sequel, called Monkey Quest Thunderbow.
  6. The quests are very enjoyable and entertaining.
  7. It has very powerful and effective weapons.
  8. It has very powerful clothing and armor.
  9. The Warrior/Monkey Games felt very entertaining.
  10. The final trail, Magma Citadel, was simply AMAZING!!!!!

Why Did Monkey Quest Shut Down

Bad Qualities

  1. Much like Club Penguin, you have to buy membership in order to continue the game.
  2. Nickelodeon's explanation to why the game shut down was very poor.
  3. The chat filter switches on and off, which is very annoying.
  4. The higher-leveled monkeys (lvls 45-65) swear a lot for some reason.
  5. It's far too easy to level up, unlike other MMO games, such as Pirate 101.
  6. The moderators barely do anything to prevent bullying most of the time, which means that it's almost impossible to get banned.
  7. It became very bland during the late-2013 update, which also caused the game to shut down.
  8. It caused Neopets and Petpet Park to lose a lot of popularity, due to being a more successful game (Petpet Park also got shut down, because of the said reason).
Why is monkey quest shut down

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Monkey Quest was a browser-basedMMORPG from Nickelodeon Virtual Worlds. It was launched on March 17th, 2011, and lasted 3.5 years before getting shut down as of September 26th 2014.

In the game, you play a monkey in the world of Ook, which is inhabited by other talkingmonkeys. The premise is that the Big Bad Ka has come back after being defeated by the Monkey King, eons ago. Like any other role playing game, you level up by doing quests and defeating monsters.

Monkey Quest Shut Down

This game provided examples of:

  • Allegedly Free Game: You can't unlock higher level areas without paying for them, or having a 24-hour guest pass from people who have payed for memberships. Some users have gotten their monkeys up to high levels by doing the daily quests repeatedly, however.
  • Anti-Grinding: Shadow monsters give less and less experience as you become more powerful, until defeating one only gives one experience point.
  • Big Bad: Ka, although he hasn't made a direct appearance.
  • Boss Battle: Averted. There's only Arenas or beefed-up versions of regular enemies that you must defeat for quests. Either aren't very difficult at all.
    • No longer averted. With the introduction of the Ice Raiders tribe, a new quest at the end of that tribe's questline will have you fight Foulbreath the Troll.
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  • Civilized Animal: The monkeys of Ook, and the talking Octopi/Crocodiles/Snakes/Spiders that inhabit the various lands.
  • Elemental Powers: Each of the five tribes of Ook are able to harness a specific natural element.
    • Sea Dragons: Fire
    • Ootu Mystics: combination of Earth and Wood (most of the Ootu Mystics' weapons are able to Poison enemies.)
    • Chim Foo: Air
    • Ice Raiders: Ice
    • Mek Tek (unreleased): possibly Metal
  • Everything's Better with Monkeys: Um, duh?
  • Far East: The Chim Foo Path, a land of fire-breathing dragons, sakura trees, rooftop ninja tricks, wise kung-fu masters, and pandas you can bounce on.
  • Fetch Quest: A lot of them, in every trail.
  • Frothy Mugs of Water: The 'Courage Juice' drank by the Sea Dragons.
  • Giant Spider: The Rachnoid Queen is a friendly example of this.
  • Grappling-Hook Pistol: Actually, it's a chameleon.
  • Hollywood Voodoo: The Ootu mystics, with a pinch of Magical Native American thrown in with the incorporation of dreamcatchers.
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  • Money for Nothing: You can find bananas floating in the air on all trails. It's just a simple matter of catching it.
  • Non-Human Sidekick: The pets you can buy from Mogri's pet shop.
  • Oxygen Meter: Especially prevalent in the Sea Dragons areas.
  • Panda-ing to the Audience: The Pandas that are used as trampolines in the Chim Foo areas and Aura the literally giant panda.
  • Practical Currency: Bananas.
  • Rewarding Vandalism: By breaking barrels and jars, you can find crafting ingredients.
  • Springs, Springs Everywhere: Drums, pandas, octopi, and frogs are all utilized as trampolines in Ook. The yet-as-unreleased viking area has animal-skin trampolines outside its entrance.
  • Temple of Doom: Several of the Crossroads trails, especially the Lost Temple, are this.
  • Temporary Platform: Any platforms you need to use your scrying orb on, although it's easy to recharge them by using the scrying orb repeatedly.
  • Timed Mission: The Arenas.
  • Vendor Trash: It's all too common to get the same crafting recipe over and over again from arena treasure chests. This especially applies for non-members who only have access to free areas and accumulate the same low-level items.
  • Wallet of Holding: You can have as much bananas as you can collect and they never go bad or weigh you down.
  • We Buy Anything: You can sell crafting items, potions, and unwanted clothing wherever there's a vendor.
