Monkey Quest Vs Questie


Now that we know for certain that World of Warcraft Classic will become a reality at some point in the future, more and more fellow WoW fans are drawn to good old vanilla. And logically, questions such as “What’s a good Vanilla WoW Quest Helper?” and “How good is Questie?” are getting more popular by the minute.

Monkey Quest este un joc foarte tare! Sections of this page. Accessibility Help. Press alt + / to open this menu. Email or Phone: Password: Forgot account? See more of Monkey Quest on Facebook. Create New Account. See more of Monkey Quest on Facebook. The questing experience is very simplified in modern WoW, with many tools available out of the box made by Blizzard to aid you with your everyday quest. All questing quality of life changes weren't present in Classic, however, which is where Questie comes into play. Questie restores many features, which makes questing smoother.

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I know that some of you probably don’t remember an awful lot of the original game (especially if you weren’t hardcore enough), or you might’ve skipped vanilla altogether if you started playing during a later expansion.

No matter the reason, today we’re taking a closer look at how the quest system worked back in the days and what your best options are when it comes to AddOns. Yes, original WoW didn’t have an integrated quest tracker.

But wait, why wasn’t there any built-in quest tracker/helper for vanilla?

Well, because vanilla was the pinnacle of World of Warcraft in terms of how hard the game actually was. Back in 2005, there were an awful lot of aspects lacking that players take for granted today.

And when it comes to quests, it was the same story – hardcore to the bone. Obviously, Blizzard wanted us to actually read the text quests in their entirety, because for the most time that’s how you get an idea of what the objective is and where to go.

More than ten years ago, players had three options in order to keep their sanity, because some quests would totally make you go insane – that’s how vague some text objectives and descriptions were. So, the three options were:

Monkey Quest Vs Questie
  • Get an AddOn
  • Alt & tab and visit Thottbot or Wowhead
  • Ask for help in the general chat

Guess what though – in order to have this database of quests and relevant information, someone had to type it in, right? Indeed, those people are true heroes in my eyes. Can you imagine doing the mighty “Mankrik’s Wife” quest in the Barrens without any guidance or general idea what direction to head to?

Needless to say, questing was immensely harder than it is right now and subsequently more rewarding. But hey, why don’t we check the best quest AddOns for vanilla WoW since we’re on the subject?

Read More: What’s the Best Vanilla WoW Server?

Top 2 vanilla WoW quest AddOns

First and foremost, I know that in 99% of cases the argument over the best quest AddOn in vanilla is between Questie and Shagu (now pfQuest). And that’s why they are the top two AddOns – what a shocker, eh?

1. Questie

The one that I’m using currently and unarguably the best of the best, or in other words – THE quest AddOn for World of Warcraft 1.12.1. Most of the people who play vanilla are most likely relying on this bad boy and for a good reason.

It supports all kinds of mapping AddOns (not just Cartographer) and the devs behind it have reworked the whole thing so that it’s much more like Blizz’s default quest tracker available in current WoW. And on top of that, it’s pretty user-friendly so that’s a total win-win.

For me personally, Questie is so awesome because it offers great functionality without being too intrusive. You simply install it and forget about it – the only thing that you have to worry about is configuring it if you don’t like certain things being displayed (like QuestArrow etc.).

Here are some of the cool key features:

  • Shows you the precise location of relevant quest objective in your World Map (like mobs, items and so on)
  • Displays available quests on your main map
  • (there’s a filter option for the max and min quest level that’ll show)
  • You can toggle profession-related quests
  • QuestArrow – displays an arrow that points you towards the objective
  • CorpseArrow – same concept but directs you to your corpse (obviously)

Monkey Quest Vs Questie Full

While Questie is by far the most popular quest AddOn for 1.12.1, I’ve found that there are some glitches every now and then. Like, for some reason, sometimes certainly available quests don’t appear on the map, while ones that I’ve already completed do – go figure.

Monkey Quest Vs Questie 4

2. Shagu/pfQuest

Some swear by Shaqu or pfQuest as it’s not known. Apparently, it’s more of an in-game version of the likes of Wowhead. Honestly, it kind of fits the theme of original WoW – you know, not being spoon-fed all the time.

The general concept sure is pretty similar to Questie (they’re quest tracker/helper AddOns after all), but there are certain parts that set Shagu apart. Namely the exact location of NPCs on the map, with coordinates and everything. Have a look yourself:

  • You get to choose which quests show on your main map
  • It shows the exact location of a mob with the relevant coords (Questie offers a more general guidance – it’s not as precise).
  • There’s a “Show” button under every quest in your quest log and that makes the objective for this particular quest to show on the minimap.
  • This AddOn also helps you track herbs, nodes, recipes, items etc. It’s more of a database, not just a mere quest helper.

As you can clearly see folks, it’s a tough call between Questie and Shagu (pfQuest). The latter sure offers more overall functionality and is definitely the better AddOn if you want more bells and whistles. In the end, it all boils down to what your priorities are.

Wrapping it up

Playing vanilla WoW is all about the adventure so you’d be forgiven if you stayed true to the hardcore nature of the original game and said “no” to quest helpers. But for all of you that want some additional help for your adventures in Azeroth, you’re now familiar with the two best quest tracker AddOns.

As I already pointed out, I’m personally using Questie at the moment (because I got used to it and I couldn’t be bothered to change it), although pfQuest is probably just as good, if not better.

Now, why don’t you share your thoughts on vanilla WoW quest AddOns and whether or not you use any of them and if so, which one? You can do so in the comment section below!

The Classic launch is so close now you can almost taste it! (If you are reading this on Sunday before launch that is). If you have not located and downloaded the addons you wish to use then now is the time.

This has been a very, shall we say, active week for addons and addon developers. I do not wish to dive too deeply into the subject matter that exploded on the official forums, Twitter, and Reddit, as the ramification of some of the outcomes is still unknown to how it may affect other addons in general. What I do want to say is thank you to all the men and women who sit in front of VS Code in a dimly lit room slaving away at coding some truly amazing and helpful addons. Thank you for your passion and hard work.

Now to the topic of this post!

I thought long and hard about what a post on the eve of launch should be. The most obvious thing to me was a top 10 list of addons that have been consistently searched and viewed on the Will It Classic site since it first launched till today.

So without much fanfare, here is the list of the most viewed addons for Classic World of Warcraft, as measured from Will It Classic.

The List

Addons viewed from Jun 1, 2019 to Aug 25, 2019


Questie is a fantastic quest assistant. It’s stated features place icons on your map and mini-map so you do not miss a single quest. Great for all those completionists out there. It is not a step by step by step guide. Its developer has been very active in the community and has been very busy working on questie so it works well come launch.


Monkey Quest is another quest tool. For starters, it replaces the quest tracker in game allowing you to customize what is displayed. It’s basically the swiss army knives of quest addons. One of my absolute favorite features is the audio cue when completing a step of a quest. Be sure to download it and check out all the cool features it offers.


ElvUI started its life as an edit of the popular TukUI many years ago. Since then Elv has become one of the most recognizable UI modification in all of World of Warcraft. ElvUI replaces many default features like the action bars, bags, world map, minimap, reskins most of the ui and so much more to list here.

The benefit and my love of ElvUI are how easy it is to install and setup. Just drop it in your addons folder and load the game. You are presented with an installation menu to help you customize the UI as you like. Once installed you may further customize to your heart’s content. I could go on forever, but I think you get the point. Try it out if you are looking for a clean and customizable replacement for the default UI.


Atlas Loot is one of those OG addon’s that is a must for the player who wants to look up loot while in-game. Getting ready to run a 5 man instance? Open Atlas Loot and check the drop tables for the bosses. See the gear that is an upgrade and hope as your group finishes that boss that your loot will drop.


Faster Looting is a simple addon that does one thing, it speeds up looting! Your character will loot items without making you wait for the loot window to pop up. If you are looking for a faster way to loot pick it up


WOW Classic does not have the ability to see enemy cast bars. This addon will parse the combat log and display a cast bar if the enemy uses a skill. It is not a perfect solution but can be very useful and beats trying to read character animations while in heated combat.


Classic Codex is another wonderful quest assistant tool. It will display available quests on your main and minimap. It will update tooltips with useful information while mousing over a quest objective as well as much more. Be sure to check it out.

This addon provides on-screen swing timers for your weapons. I particularly like the hunter shot timer that is included. It is customizable to suit your UI through a comprehensive config menu. If you are still looking for a weapon swing timer be sure to check it out.



We have another OG addon on the list in OmniCC. Its sole purpose is to provide you with cool down text on your skills. Need to know how much time you have till you can use that super awesome spell? Just look at the spell icon. OmniCC even works with a host of other addons out of the box.



Finishing off the most viewed addons for Will It Classic is another old favorite, Bartender. This addon allows you to move and rearrange your action bars. Move bars vertical or horizontal. Make them bigger or smaller. Be in charge of where you want your action bars!

For an added bonus, here are the top 5 viewed addons for the week leading up to launch. A couple has swapped places and we have a new contender!

  1. Questie 8,063
  2. Faster Looting 4,228
  3. Monkey Quest 4,087
  4. Classic Threat Meter 3,254
  5. ElvUI 2,914

I can’t wait to revisit these numbers in the weeks and months to come to see how things move around and what is added. What are some of your favorite addons that did not make this list?

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