Monkey Quest Wow


Note: For easy configuration, download MonkeyBuddy!
Also if you don't want to use MonkeyQuestLog, simply disable it.

Monkey Quest Wow Classic

Nickelodeon are a household name, and having just spent a few hours playing Monkey Quest, I'm beginning to see why. Free to Play Kids MMO Monkey Quest Review MMO Games 16th November 2011. World of Warcraft used to have an awesome Recruit.

Hello MonkeyQuest User!

The MonkeyQuest AddOn for World of WarCraft displays quests and their objectives in a nice drag able frame in a very customizable way.


  • Mousing over quests shows the overview in a tooltip.
  • Option to display the quest overview if there's no objectives.
  • Clicking on quests brings up the real quest log with that quest selected.
  • Displays the quest level in the quest title.
  • Elite quests display a ' ' in the level of the quest.
  • Completed quests show a '(Completed)' in the quest title.
  • Quest area headers are displayed.
  • Clicking on a quest area header collapses or expands it.
  • Check boxes next to quests allow hiding/showing of that quest.
  • Check box to toggle displaying collapsed quest area headers and hidden quests.
  • Close and minimize buttons.
  • Quest objective coloring.
  • Quest objective coloring for special 'friendly/hostile' type objectives.
  • Special quest objective coloring for 'find an area' type objectives.
  • Nice font for increased readability.
  • No additional buttons or options are displayed in the real quest log.
  • Option to always hide quest area headers.
  • New slash command for hiding the border.
  • Key bindings for toggle hidden, minimize, and close.
  • Slash command to change the expand direction, up or down (thanks Diungo)
  • Shift-left clicking on quests to add the quest name to the chat edit box if it's open.
  • Shift-right clicking on quests to add your current quest objective data to the chat edit box if it's open.
  • Option to display the number of free quest slots.
  • Lockable frame.
  • Option to display quest titles colored by difficulty. (thanks Pkp)
  • Option to hide completed quests.
  • Option to hide completed objectives.
  • Ctrl-Left clicking on quests to share that quest with party members.
  • Ctrl-Right clicking on quests to abandon that quest, after a confirmation dialog box.
  • Integration with MonkeyBuddy for configuration.
  • Font size setting.
  • Option to turn off right-click to open MonkeyBuddy.
  • Option to hide the title buttons.
  • Quest Items now show up in tooltips. Mousing over targets you need for quests will show 'Quest Item XX/YY' in the tooltip. Same for items you need for quests.
    (** Currently doesn't update if MonkeyQuest is closed or minimized **)
  • Dungeon quests display a 'd' in the level of the quest.
  • Raid quests display an 'r' in the level of the quest.
  • Party members show up in the quest overview tooltip. If they have that quest they'll be displayed in the 100% objective color.
  • If the current sub-zone name appears in the quest overview, the quest will highlight.

Slash Commands:

Monkey Quest Wow

Monkey Quest Wow


See included ReadMe.txt for slash commands or use MonkeyBuddy to configure your MonkeyQuest.

Availability: In stock1000000

  • Qty:
  • Time: 3 hours


    Skills: Prayer level 43 highly recommended(especially for pures), Able to Defeat a Level 195 Demon(ranging is better for fighting).
    Quests: The Grand Tree and Tree Gnome Village.


    • 10,000gp
    • 3 Diamonds
    • Ability to wield Dragon Scimitar
    • Approach Daero to train you in Attack/Defence and Strength/Hitpoints (35,000 exp each for the skills you choose, and 20,000 exp each for the others)

    Quest points gained upon completion: 3

Monkey quest wow addon video

Tips, tricks & notes:

  • It's said to be easier to find tall grass that will hide you if you play Runescape in the low detail mode.
  • If you get stuck in Ape Atoll city without teleporting devices, you can always use the home teleport in your magic book. There is also a ladder in the southeastern corner of the village that will lead you to a place where you can jump and exit the city.
  • If you lose the sigil before defeating the demon, you can get one back from Waymottin (who is at the end of the Marim Dungeon). Might as well get several, just in case.
  • If you lose a monkey greegree or monkey speak amulet, the only way to get it back is to get it again by following all of the steps that you did originally.
  • Keep your greegree for the Recipe for Disaster quest. RFD requires 3 different greegrees, so consider bringing the proper bones (and an equal number of monkey talismans) with you on any visit to Zooknock in the dungeon. It's easiest (but still difficult!) to navigate the dungeon as a monkey.
  • Wielding a monkey greegree and wearing an M'speak amulet, you can use any of the shops in Marim (in addition to food, crafting items, scimitars and runes, they also sell spare quest items: talismans, dentures and amulet moulds, but the stock of dragon scimitars will be zero until you complete the quest.)
  • After the quest, it is possible to purchase and wield a Dragon Scimitar from the scimitar shop for 100,000 gp.