Monkey Quest Addon Vanilla


Welcome to the Questie wiki!

  1. Contribute to ericraio/vanilla-wow-addons development by creating an account on GitHub. /mquest showhidden Displays the collapsed quest headers and hidden quests.
  2. MonkeyQuest was around during vanilla way back when. Track more than 5 quests at a time in a nifty UI frame. Questie is a modernized version closer to the retail quest tracker, with minimap designations, a directional arrow, etc.

Jul 31, 2015 FastQuest Classic is an addon to enhance quest log displaying, quest tracking, and notification. This is an alternative to heavy duty add-ons like MonkeyQuest, Quest-I-On, etc. The difference is that the code is much smaller and faster, since it uses Blizzard's build-in components enhancing and improving them.

Questie is a World of Warcraft Classic (1.13) and Vanilla (1.12) addon, intended to help players level from 1-60 through questing. It shows available quests and displays the locations where objectives can be completed. An arrow guiding you to these locations can be enabled. It is a port of the QuestHelper addon from The Burning Crusade.

Looking to install Questie? You can follow our Installation Guide.

If you find a bug, please report it on the Issue Page. When reporting bugs:

  • Please make sure you have read the FAQ.
  • See if the bug has already been reported, and if so, please add additional information to the open issue if you can.
  • Steps to reproduce the bug, screenshots, or the exact text of an error messages can be helpful for developers.
  • When you create a chat window/tab in the game and call it questiedebug, you can see Questies debug messages in it.

Monkey Quest Addon Vanilla Cake


Monkey Quest

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